Column Mosaics and Soda Can Butterflies

Butterfly Artists: Rolando Diaz, Sarah Day and hundreds of volunteers
Mosaic columns Artists: David Hawkins and hundreds of volunteers

Bringing to life Rolando’s vision for the columns, the soda can butterflies atop the columns represent the drive and determination of our volunteers. SPARK! intern Sarah Day came up with the idea of recycled aluminum butterflies and activated our volunteer corps. Thousands of volunteers, from children to SMU faculty and students, have helped to create the tens of thousands of butterflies which adorn the columns of the SPARK! gallery. SPARK! guests are given the opportunity to leave their mark on SPARK! with this constantly evolving installation.

David Hawkins came up with a unique theme for each of the eight columns in the SPARK! gallery. Themes range from sports, to modes of travel, Lego characters and patriotism. David then lead volunteers in the installation, spreading love for the art of mosaic far and wide. As you view the mosaics take note that lightening bolts point to electrical outlets, a keyboard tops off the musically themed columns and David’s impressive bald eagle and American flag are hidden among the work.